We are now taking submissions for the XIth REP conference.
- After you have registered, you may submit your poster, paper, organized panel, or organized paper session until September 17, 2021 (though we strongly encourage earlier)
- Each registrant may organize multiple sessions and/or panels, but may present only one paper.
- Paper presentations, posters, and panels do not have to reflect the annual conference theme
- Submission of an abstract indicates agreement for it to be published in the conference program and book of abstracts.
Individual papers and organized paper sessions
- A paper session is comprised of a thematically coherent group of individual paper presentations followed by questions from audience members.
- All papers not submitted as part of an organized paper session will be placed into coherent sessions by the Program Committee based on keywords and abstract content.
- Paper presenters must submit abstracts (paper session organizers need not present but must submit an abstract summarizing the session).
- Presenters of papers in organized sessions must indicate the session organizer and its title on the abstract submission form.
- All abstracts for papers in organized sessions must be submitted separately.
- Paper abstracts as well as organized paper sessions abstracts should be approximately 150 words in length
- A panel consists of scholars examining a specific topic that is followed by questions from audience members.
- Panel organizers must register the title and abstract, including names of participant panelists.
- Individual panelists need not submit separate abstracts, but must be registered for the event.
- Panel abstracts should be approximately 150 words in length.
- Panel organizers must register the title and abstract, including names of participant panelists.
- Poster abstracts should be approximately 150 words in length
To ensure the online security of conference participants, you will be asked to create a username and password on the AAG platform before you can proceed with your submission. Note that this process does not affiliate you with the AAG, that participants to the REP conference are not required to become members of the AAG, and that this data is used for no purpose other than to protect the security of conference participants.
Mural commemorating Billy Holiday, by artist Bridget Cimino.
Back wall of the Fells Point Corner Theater on Durham Street, Baltimore