REP XII Conference

Mapping and Empowerment

10/10/23 Update : the final program is now available

The 2023 REP Conference theme emphasizes the role of mapping in representing and promoting diverse voices, experiences, and knowledge within the classroom, in research endeavors and through public pedagogy. We believe that critical cartography may be used in curricula, research and in the public realm as an important tool in recruiting students, future scholars, and other professionals from traditionally marginalized groups. As such, we encourage the participation of students, scholars, and activists who wish to explore varied and innovative applications of mapping, recognizing that critical cartographies can represent alternative ways of imagining and understanding the world in more diverse and socially just ways. The 2023 REP Conference will therefore build on past REP objectives of diversity and inclusion by specifically engaging with critical cartography as a space and tool to advance geography as an inclusive discipline that seeks to advance equity. 

REP XII will be hosted by George Washington University in Washington, DC, on October 11-13, 2023.

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Keynote Speakers

Dr. Dayna Bowen Matthew

Dr. Dayna Bowen Matthew

Dayna Bowen Matthew, JD, PhD, is the Dean and Harold H. Greene Professor of Law at the George Washington University Law School. A leader in public health and civil rights law who focuses on disparities in health, health care, and the social determinants of health, Dean Matthew joined GW Law in 2020. She also is the founder and inaugural faculty director of GW’s newly chartered Equity Institute, an interdisciplinary research hub dedicated to addressing racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic injustice. A prolific writer, Dean Matthew is the author of two bestselling books, “Just Medicine: A Cure for Racial Inequality in American Health Care,” and the recently released “Just Health: Treating Structural Racism to Heal America,” and the co-author of a case book on public health law, ethics, and policy.

Dr. Mark Hugo Lopez

Dr. Mark Hugo Lopez

Mark Hugo Lopez is director of race and ethnicity research at Pew Research Center, where he leads planning of the Center’s research agenda focused on chronicling the diverse, ever-changing racial and ethnic landscape of the United States. He is an expert on issues of racial and ethnic identity, Latino politics and culture, the U.S. Hispanic and Asian American populations, global and domestic immigration, and the U.S. demographic landscape. Lopez was previously the Center’s director of Global Migration and Demography, and of Hispanic research.
Lopez is the co-editor of “Adjusting to a World in Motion: Trends in Global Migration and Migration Policy.” He is a co-author of “The Future of the First Amendment” and has contributed chapters to several books about voting and young Latinos.
Prior to joining Pew Research Center, Lopez served as a research assistant professor at the University of Maryland’s School of Public Policy and as research director of the Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE).
Lopez received his doctorate in economics from Princeton University. He is an author of reports about the Hispanic electorate, Hispanic identity and immigration. Lopez frequently appears in national and international media in both Spanish and English.

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